“The theme offers the opportunity for the Zingst Festival to gain depth and profile.” Mayor of Zingst, Christian Zornow

“The theme offers the opportunity for the Zingst Festival to gain depth and profile.”

As Mayor of Zingst, Christian Zornow also sees the theme of food as an opportunity to build a bridge to Zingst; because sustainability is a very current topic for the town.

Horizons zingst: What is it that fascinates you about photography?

Christian Zornow: I think it's quite different today compared to what I thought 20-30 years ago. In my youth photography was more of an inspiration for life or travel destinations; whereas now – having had children of my own and more life experience – it has become like a digital journal and memory bank. Pictures, and personal ones in particular, immediately call a story to mind.

What meaning does the Environmental Photo Festival carry for Zingst, and especially for its citizens?

To have a mirror, or even a magnifying glass, placed in front of us. We live in a natural environment, which is still intact, and beyond that enjoy quite a high standard of living. Some of the more polarising exhibitions gave us Zingsters – and especially our children – an up-close and impressive opportunity to see the cracks we had not yet recognised in an “ideal world”.

The content of the festival has experienced a more intense focus since last year. What opportunities do you see in this mono-thematic development?

It offers the opportunity for the festival to gain depth and profile. With the complexity of issues that must be solved in the coming years, we have long passed the moment where it's enough for individuals to just have it in the back of their minds. That's why a clear thematic focus is necessary.

The title of this year's festival is EAT IT, and it's all about food. What personal connection do you feel to the topic?

I feel humbly grateful for the fact that I have enough of everything; and insecure because of not knowing how long this will be so.

How would you describe your consumer habits, particularly in regards to grocery shopping, food and the contents of your fridge?

My consumer habits are shaped by the fact that I've been doing a lot of sports for many years and expend a lot of energy. However, a more deciding factor for me was the time in my childhood that I spent with my great grandmother, my grandfather and grandmother; in other words, with the post war generation. When we talk about sustainability, that generation already lived it and led the way.

Food belongs in the broader subject of sustainability. Is it also topical in Zingst? Can the festival theme build a bridge to Zingst entrepreneurs and restaurants?

Without a doubt. Many restaurant owners and entrepreneurs are already on this path. Traffic-related issues defined by our distance from other places, and a high volume of local traffic, were surely catalysing in this regard. However, everyone here knows that further improvements are needed. With a switch to regional producers and suppliers, with shorter and more flexible response times, the solutions are obvious in our region, which is predominantly agricultural.

What do you most look forward to at the 15th Environmental Photo Festival?

The first get together at the beach lounge. After two years without that special mood and atmosphere, that question alone awakens my anticipation...

What is your hope for the festival's future?

My hope is that our many proven partners remain faithful, and that many new, strong shoulders join.

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